Friday, October 4, 2013

Steps on how to change JDE Administrator password

1 Stop EnterpriseOne services and JAS Server instances

2 Change the database user password.

alter user user_name identified by new_password;

For this case it will be:

alter user jde identified by your_password;

3 Disable Security Server in the server JDE.INI file by adding “;” in front of SecurityServer as shown below:



4 Disable Security Server in the client JDE.INI file. Use 1 machine to apply these changes.

5 Login to the workstation with the new jde user account.

6 Open P98OWSEC

7 (Optional)Change the Proxy User password. The new password entered should be the same case as the database login password.

8 Change the System user password. (Steps are shown below)

I. From P98OWSEC, click on Add System User

II. Under Work with System Users screen, click Find and double-click on JDE.

III. Key in and verify the new password that you have firstly set in the Database Server. Click OK.

9 Change the JDE Login password for Fat Client login also. The steps are shown below:

I. In P98OWSEC, Search for JDE user ID, and click on Admin Password Revis button in the exit bar on the left.

II. Type in new JDE login password, it can be same as the Database password you changed from the beginning or you can have a different password. Click OK.

10 Logout of workstation

11 Update the fat client and Enterprise server JDE.INI files with the new password in [DB SYSTEM SETTINGS] and [SECURITY] sections. Ensure password case accuracy.

12 On JAS(web) server, change the JDBJ.INI files with new password for all environment.

13 Run PORTTEST with the new system user and password

14 Enable Security Server in client and server JDE.INI files.

15 Start E1 service(s). If using multiple servers (logic, enterprise), start services on the server designated as the primary Security Server.

16 Submit a UBE to the server. This will ensure connectivity to the database.

17 Have HTML users login and also submit a UBE to the server.

Reference : E1: SEC: Frequently Asked Questions on the JDE User ID and Password (Doc ID 1261994.1)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Add custom font to JDE Enterprise Server for report printing

This is applicable to Enterprise Server running under Linux OS as the built-in font type is less and only default to a few types of font.

Objective : To install custom font in Enterprise Server for report printing.

Solution :
  1. Copy the required font from Windows font folder in location C:\Windows\Fonts
  2. By using, WinSCP, connect to the Enterprise Server and go to location /u01/jdedwards/e910/system/resource/truetype and paste the font copied.
  3. After copied, edit the file /u01/jdedwards/e910/system/resource/pdflib.upr. There are some font pre-configured in pdflib.upr but being commented out with (%). Remove the (%) for the font copied and make sure the font file name matched the font name copied. 
  4. If the font is not listed in pdflib.upr, you can manually type the Font description name and the font file name.   
Example : 
Preconfigured pdflib.upr

If the font is not listed, you can manually add-in the font as shown below:

Reference : 1451775.1 E1:UBE: How to Setup Custom Fonts in EnterpriseOne Tools Release 9.1

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Report printed in EnterpriseOne shows Times New Roman instead of Arial

Problem : In report design, font property had been changed to Arial. But, reports are printing Times New Roman instead of Arial.

Cause : Default font setting in P98980 is incorrect.

According to the above screenshot for P98980, the Report Font ID is Times New Roman when the Screen and Grid Font ID is set to Arial.

Solution : Open P98980 in fat client, modify all Times New Roman value under Report Font ID when the Screen Font ID and Grid Font ID is Arial as shown in below screenshot.

Reference : E1: UBE: Reports Are Created with Font Times New Roman instead of Arial on EnterpriseOne 8.9 and Above (Doc ID 634731.1)

Monday, September 23, 2013

How to Increase logical partition in Oracle VM JDE Template Servers

Problem : You are using Oracle VM Manager and Oracle VM Template for JDE Servers for production and the disk is running out of space.

Solution : Since Oracle VM Template is using logical partition, it can be expand easily by following the steps below.

Before proceed to expand the Logical partition, please do a backup of the virtual guest machine first. You can easily clone the virtual machines by using the cloning feature in Oracle VM Manager.
You also need to gather the required information in your system first before proceed.

Prerequisite : You will have to know the file system type, volume group.

To check file system type, you can issue the command df -Thl.

[root@e1ent /]# df -Thl
Filesystem    Type    Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/xvda2    ext3    9.6G  3.0G  6.7G  31% /
/dev/xvda1    ext3     99M   39M   56M  41% /boot
tmpfs        tmpfs    1.5G     0  1.5G   0% /dev/shm
              ext3     20G   11G  8.4G  56% /u01

From the output, we will be expanding the mapped drive which is /u01 with the system filetype ext3, Volume Group name VolGrp01 and Logival volume name LgVol01.
Now, you have got the required information. It is time to proceed to expand the logical drive of u01.

Steps to expand storage:

1.   Create a new virtual disk and attach to the virtual machines that you want to expand the               logical partition by using Oracle VM Manager.
      After attached, in virtual machines issue the command fdisk -l and you will be able to see a       new disk without partition.

      After you have able to see the new disk, run the below command to create a new partition.

2.   Unmount partition /u01 in the server with the command umount /u01 .

3.   Run a file system check with the command /sbin/fsck -f /dev/VolGrp01/LgVol01 where           VolGrp01 is the VolumeGroup and LgVol01 is the LogicalVolume. If there is error will                 checking the file system, you can issue the same command but add in the option "-y" to               attempt to repair the error. The new command will be 

      /sbin/fsck -fy /dev/VolGrp01/LgVol01

4.   Initialize the new partition with the command pvcreate /dev/xvdc1

5.   Add the newly created partition to the volume group with command
      vgextend VolGrp01 /dev/xvdc1

6.   Type vgs to verify that the Volume Group is extended.

7.   After added in the new partition, you have to extend the actual logical volume with the command          lvextend -L +20G VolGrp01/LgVol01

8.   Type lvs to make sure the Logical Volume is extended. 

9.   Now, extend the ext3 filesystem with the command /sbin/resize2fs /dev/VolGrp01/LgVol01.

10.  Re-check the newly created filesystem with the same command as in Point number 3.

11.   Mount back /u01 with the command mount /u01.

12.  Type df -hl and you should be able to see the size of the mounted volume which is /u01 increased.

Reference :
Oracle Support
How To Extend An LVM (Logical Volume Manager) Volume (Doc ID 979522.1)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Oracle JDE 9.1.3 Local Web Installation Guide

Preparing Deployment Server for Installation
1. Install Java JDK 6 into a location. For example of location to install:
             C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_45\

2. After finished the JDK installation, go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\ and copy the jdk1.6.0_45
folder to deployment server where the jdedwards folder is installed.

3. The location to place the jdk1.6.0_45 folder in the deployment server is
C:\JDEdwards\E910_1\OneWorld Client Install\ThirdParty\WebDevFeature\OH4A

4. After the folder finished copying, rename jdk1.6.0_45 to JDK.

Installation of Local Web in Fat Client
1. From fat Client PC, go to Run -> \\[deployment server name]\E910\OneWorld Client
Install\ThirdParty\WebDevFeature\OH4A\install and double click on setup.exe

2. Click Next on the Welcome Screen.

3. Change the Destination Name to JDE_E910_Client1 by selecting it from the drop down box and
the Path must be pointed to where the Fat Client folder is installed and click Next.

4. Click Install in the Summary screen and the installation will start. Wait for the installation to

5. After the installation is done. Goto the following link:

6. Open jas.ini file and look for
PathCodes=('DV910') Modify this to the environment that you want to access in local web

7. Make sure the following is correct in jdbj.ini
name=Local - DV910

8. In the same folder location, look for tnsnames.ora and make sure the database server hostname is
correct. You can now login to Fat client and access local web.